Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Seems more "official" when there are classes involved ...

We now have birthing and baby classes scheduled, so whether we remember what we're taught or not, we're going to be "officially prepared" to birth and care for Baby Kelly.  I'm 21 weeks, but with my generous friends and family already planning showers for April, a March wedding and, let's face it, me being me, I wanted to get the classes at least booked.  The big daddy, all-day Lamaze class and hospital tour are in March with Baby Care Basics, Breastfeeding and Save-A-Baby in April. 

And, while we're at it ... we're planning to tour two childcare facilities on Friday and I'd also like to explore in-home care options in our area.  We're lucky that we are technically in a position where I could stay home, but I'm not 100% sure that's for me at this point.  I always thought I wanted to be nothing more than a stay-at-home-Mom, but after seeing a few friends and co-workers successfully balance work and family, I'd like to give it a try, while keeping an open mind.  I love my current job and have a great deal of flexibility in that I can easily work from home as needed, have unlimited sick days, great benefits and a boss and team that are pretty wonderful.  I'm in the process of exploring reduced schedule arragnements and how they've worked (or not worked) with others.  So, I can't tell you with 100% certainty where I'll end up on the whole "work or stay at home" decision, but, again, me being me, I'd rather have a daycare lined up and back down the hours we need it or cancel all together than be in a bind. 

I think I've surprised a few people over my pregnancy with a more laid-back attitude than they might have thought I'd have.  Sure, I have a mental timeline of when I'd like to get things done (I was a premie, afterall, arriving 5 weeks early) and have been pretty organized about everything.  But, we're not finding out the gender, which has shocked everyone, we have a few names for each gender picked out and won't determine the finalist until the baby is born, I'm not 100% certain whether I'll automatically request an epidural and I'm open to staying at home or going back to work.  I'm actually pretty proud of myself (if I do say so) for allowing myself to enjoy the pregnancy and baby-planning process ... and I've loved every minute of it!

So, all of this being said, scheduling the classes today was surreal and I have a feeling that the childcare tours will really hit it home.  Now if I could just feel a full fledge kick instead of fluttering (or gas as it may be - ha), I'd be all set : )


Megan said...

It's definitely getting closer and closer. As I said before, I can't believe you're gonna be a Mama in four months!!
Also, if you wanna coax Baby Kelly into some kicking, lay on your left side for a little while. The increase in circulation might get him/her moving.

Ms. Thomas said...

In the past two days I've seen two of these little buggers come into the world. Nothing can prepare you for that EXCEPT going with the flow. Good for you Jen!

Danielle said...

You're wise to start going with the flow now because you'll certainly need the practice for when Baby gets here. That's the one thing I wish I would have done more of with Colin. I was an uptight basket case who tried to live by a schedule. Babies have a mind of their own and all it does is stress you out to try to go against it!

Anonymous said...

I might need to get you to help me out over here...Hanley's 5 weeks old and I go back to work the first of March and we don't have childcare figured out yet! :P
Glad you are enjoying the experience and keeping us posted on all of the details and developments!