Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mommy Moments: Getting out the door

I'm a week and a half into my return to the working world and I can honestly say, for the most part, so far so good.  I had a bit of a breakdown on Sunday, but I honestly think it was one of those days where a girl just needed to cry.  Sorry Mike. 

The hardest part for me so far has been finding my morning groove.  Since I'm no longer just in charge of myself, even more planning is required.  I'm getting into work consistently earlier than ever so that I can leave in time to pick-up my princess from nursery school and get a good 2-3 hours with her before bedtime.  I do as much as I can the night before, but there are always last minute tasks and I often times can't help my OCD from kicking in to put one last dish away or picking up a few baby toys.

Ironically, my first day back at work I was pleased to see a copy of Real Simple in our Mother's Room as I sat down to pump.  I was even more pleased during my afternoon pumping session when I saw this article:  The 10 Secrets of One Unflappable Working Mother.  (I kid you not, I didn't realize the issue was from March 2010 until 3 days later) 

Number 5 really hit home.  "Getting out the door in the morning (without anyone in tears) is the only thing you have to achieve before 8:30 a.m. Stop trying to organize everything. Your only goals are to leave the house looking good and without your first-grader sobbing because she hates getting dressed in the morning. If that means you put her to bed in her school clothes to avoid a 7 a.m. tantrum, I think you’re a genius." 

Although it doesn't ring totally true to my situation, it helped knowing that it's OK if I come home to a few things out of place or a rogue coffee cup on the kitchen island.  I know I have several working mothers in my reading mix, what are your helpful hints?  I'll take hints from anyone really, working or not, child bearing or not, bring 'em on!


Danielle said...

Ah, I feel your pain. Organization is the key and planning ahead. I've also learned that kids are very routine oriented and it makes for a much more peaceful start to the day if they know what to expect. We follow the same plan every morning and although it took me a while to figure it out, it all starts with me getting up earlier than I'd prefer. Wes is a help in many ways but in the morning, it's a one woman show. Now that we're in a groove, it's pretty easy but there were definitely some rough patches along the way. You'll find your groove!

Megan said...

I second Danielle. You will find a groove that works out for you. Jeremy and I are still tweaking ours. We just threw a new routine into the mornings last week to alleviate prior headaches.
One thing we kept in was the fact that we tag team alot of morning duties, i.e. We both get up at the same time, I get Iris up and in her chair eating breakfast and put the coffee on while he showers and gets dressed. Then I tag out and go take my shower and get dressed while he sits with Miss Priss and has his coffee. Another tag out occurs and I get her dressed and ready to go while he finishes primping...err, I mean getting himself and his stuff together and so on. You get the idea. It works...so far

Saralyn said...

It takes me 3 trips to get out the door every morning and I feel like a pack mule! I'm still trying to find the best times to pump at work so that's been annoying. It would make it easier if someone brought me champagne!!

AECook said...

I am out the door every day by 6:15am (coffee shops open early, ya know..) I do as much as I can at night, obviously. But EVERYTHING from putting my pump accessories together, to laying out my own outfits, to taking a shower (easy since I have to wear my hair back everyday). I consider each morning a victory if I have makeup on both eyes and the dogs get to go outside.

Lisa said...

I wish I had some good advice to give you. Every morning is a challenge for me. You definitely HAVE to lower your standards, just to survive and not lose your mind. With each child too my standards have had to go down. It will get easier too with time. You just started back! Relax. You're doing great!