Friday, September 2, 2011

Sunny Days

Here's to keeping the clouds away!  (Do you have that Sesame Street jingle in your head now?  You can thank me later, ha.)  It's finally time for our first family vacation and I'm not planning to blog much, if any, while we're away.  All hope is not lost; I've pre-posted a bit to keep from losing my eight diligent readers.  After a week at the beach we'll be staying in Pittsburgh with Mike's parents for a few days while Mike attends a sales conference for work; his company is headquartered there and the timing was perfect.  An added plus is that Anna will be able to take in her first Steelers regular season game with a crowd full of fans.  Those black and gold die-hards like to start 'em early!

I'll likely be a few days late with Anna's four-month-letter, but it's been started and will definitely be published ... and shortly thereafter we'll have official stats as she sees her pediatrician for a check-up and "jabs" on the 19th.  Feel free to leave your guesstimate of her weight and height as a comment in the meantime.  Click here to see her two month stats and here to review her three month photo.

Catch ya on the flip side!


Saralyn said...

You will have to give me tips on the vacationing because we will be taking Joey to the beach when he is 5 months and I'm already thinking about it...

I can't wait to see pics of your trip!!

Anonymous said...

I know that this is my first message but I love a contest! If I'm the closest, do I win a kiss from Anna? At 4 month appt., she will be 12lb 8oz and 24 1/2 in long.

Grandma Kelly (Linda)