Monday, September 19, 2011

Growin' Like a Weed: Month Four

Another round of shots are under our belts and while the tears were kept to minimum this time, the compliments on cuteness, excellent sleep patterns, and proportionate growth were being thrown around by the nurses and doctor alike. I felt the need to ask about Anna's lack of an afternoon nap and was immediately shushed by the doctor after he heard she's sleeping 7pm to 7am straight with a 2-3 hour morning nap. He also asked me to keep my trap shut when discussing sleep patterns with other local parents as he didn't want to start receiving complaint calls when they realized their children are nowhere close to sleeping as well : ) We talked about starting solid foods, and although she's cleared from an age perspective, we're going to wait until she's closer to 6 months for a couple of reasons; they aren't nutritionally required until then, especially since she's still breastfed, and we're transitioning to daycare in two weeks time, for both baby and Mama's sake I'd like to settle into that routine before throwing another bend in the road.

Everyone told me that time flies once you have a baby, but I had NO IDEA just how quickly until Anna arrived ... looking at the pictures below has me nostalgic about the past and excited for the future at the same time, I simply can't believe how much she's changed in 18 weeks!

Four month "stats" include: (*)
  • 11lb 10oz (10th percentile), 2lb gain over 2 months
  • 24 1/2 inches (25th percentile), 2 1/4 inch growth over 2 months
  • 15 1/4 inch head circumference, a gain of 3/4 inch over 2 months  
* Mike and I each wrote down our guesstimates last night and I am proud to report that I nailed her weight to the ounce!!  We were right in the middle with length at 24 inches (Jen) and 25 inches (Mike) ... I guess parents do always know best : )

Seriously ... does it get any cuter than this smiley girl?!?!


Saralyn said...

What a petite little cutie! Joey goes for his 2 month on Friday and I'm already guessing he weighs close to 11lbs. Did you do any sleep training? I had every intention of doing so but we've ended up with our own way. We are working on dropping his middle of the night feeding now. I'm hoping he takes to it as well as sweet Anna!

Danielle said...

I guess it's easier for me to be happy for you and your little sleeper now that I'm past that stage. Ask me a year ago and I might not have been quite so cheery!

That last picture is just too cute!

Ms. Thomas said...

These pictures are so cute! Not only do you get to see how big she is getting, but her personality is totally filling out too. Already I can tell she's gonna be the life of the party.