-- 7:40am - 9:10am: Breakfast for Mom, playtime, visit with Dad, discuss Anna's Emergency contacts for daycare (they have to be local and we've been debating who to ask for over a week), fold the load of whites I meant to fold after dinner last night. Daisy mimics Anna on her activity map, see below.
"Anything you can do, I can do better ..." |
-- 9:10am - 9:45am: Feed and Mom watches Up All Night from last night. A must-see for any parent. While feeding the cats are fighting loudly ... they always do this when they know I'm immobile. This time it gets more serious and I hear the table in the front hallway crash down and something breaks, I know it's the vase. I loved that vase, dang it! I envision murdering Milo, but then decide I don't know how to dispose of a dead cat and also wonder if I'd be arrested. I don't have time to deal with the police or PETA, so I call Mike and calmly tell him what happened as not to disturb my almost-asleep baby.
-- 9:45am: Put Anna down and walk through the foyer destruction. Shoot "you WILL DIE" looks to both cats.
![]() |
Did I do that??!!! (Insert Steve Urkel voice) |
-- 9:45am - 10:15am: Clean up the foyer. Take Milo to the basement bedroom and outfit him with a small bowl of food, water, and a makeshift litter box. He is the instigator and I plan to leave him down there all day. I brush Daisy in the meantime and I can tell she's thankful for the reprieve.
-- 10:15am - 11:30am: Finish packing Anna's items to drop off at day-care and begin to write a note about her daily routine, adorable habits etc. Have a total meltdown during this and call my Mom and Mike, one after another, hysterically crying. Mental note: Although physically closer than a tissue, paper towels do NOT do any wonders for your under-eye circles when wiping tears away.
-- 11:30am - 12:30pm: I should work-out, but I'm still a little emotional, so I fold the load of darks I started earlier, finish gathering items for my trip to day-care, shower and get ready. Anna is waking up from her nap and we change clothes for the day and feed.
-- 12:45pm: Gigi arrives to hang with Anna for the afternoon.
-- 1:10pm - 4:15pm: Run errands ... hit up the tire store first to have a tire patched and all rotated, apparently I ran over a nail at some point. Stop at JCPenney for a new nursing bra and a robe, browse around for a few minutes, shocked at the number of people in the store mid-day on a Thursday ... wonder if it's Social Security check day ... Run into Home Goods to see about pillows for the living room and purchase a few baskets for a bookshelf and two picture frames to take for my desk at work next week. Pick up the pants I dropped off earlier in the week as I head toward home. Stop at Anna's daycare to drop off paperwork and tuition, make her crib and assemble her "supplies" (diapers, wipes, sleep sacks, etc), chat with Miss Patty and Miss Wanda for a few minutes, they are excited to see her on Monday. Pat myself on the back for not crying in public OR in the car, and grab a car wash on the way home.
-- 4:15pm: Return home to Anna napping on Gigi's lap. My heart melts.
Soooooo much fun with Gigi really wears a gal out! |
-- 5:00pm - 5:30pm: Feed Anna ... I think she must be growth spurtin' this week as she's eating closer to every two hours versus her usual three. Mike claims she's getting heavier, so that confirms it : )
-- 5:30pm - 6:30pm: Say good-bye to Gigi, Mike and Anna hang out while Mom blogs and does some chores around the house.
-- 6:30pm: Feed the little Miss again. During her feeding we decide to bag leftovers for dinner and go with take-out.
-- 7:00pm: Anna goes down, Mike leaves to pick up dinner. While he's gone, I start removing books from a bookcase to make way for baskets to store my "stuff" and also start going through an old photo album containing pictures from my senior year of high school and freshman year of college ... (1) I honestly don't think any of my friends look a day older and (2) I would KILL to have that body back ... why, oh why did I think I needed to diet in those days?!?
-- 8:00pm and on: Watch TV with Mike, blog quickly ... decide that you guys (and me) have probably had enough of my week ... tomorrow is my last Friday of maternity leave and I think I'll spend it snuggling with my little gal rather than worrying about capturing our day : ) Tomorrow night I have a painting class with a friend ... yes, you read that correctly, I'm going to a painting class, and Saturday we have our neighborhood block party ... I need to think of a side dish to make ... any suggestions?
Never in a million years did I think that having a baby would change my life in so many ways and I seriously wonder what the heck I was doing before Anna was born that I thought was so time-consuming?!?!
** Thanks for hanging in there with me this week ... I figure that one day I'll look back on my maternity leave and wonder what the heck I did with my days ... I also hope this provides some hope in the future ... should we have another baby and I'm about to go lack-of-sleep-crazy, maybe I'll read this and realize that things settle down eventually. **