Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our Roly Poly!

Remember this post where I mentioned her pediatrician predicted she'd roll over soon?  I knew she was active, seemingly more active than other babies I'd seen at her age, but I didn't put too much stock into his prediction ... until Monday ... as in three days ago, as in the day she was 6 weeks and 2 days old.  We were enjoying tummy time and all of the sudden she rolled over!  It was early evening and a friend was coming to visit, so we didn't have time to try again that day.  The next day, however I had the video camera ready and we tried for a few minutes with no luck ... she was getting fussy, so we regrouped, took a walk around the room and then tried again.  Aaaannnddd, of course, immediately upon putting her down she rolled, with no camera in sight.  We tried again many, many times that day with no luck and again on Wednesday.  And again on Thursday morning.  She was soooooo close, but no dice.  I will note here that she really loves tummy time, so this was actually a treat for her and not solely for video purposes : ) 

Fast forward to this evening when Mike got home from work.  She'd taken an afternoon nap (this doesn't always happen), was well rested and apparently ready to show her stuff.  She rolled immediately after he put her down and, of course, before I had the camera ready.  I thought for sure it was a one-time-only event, again.  But, we were both in for a treat, she rolled and rolled and rolled.  She's our little SUPERstar ... and I'm so happy that I can finally share this milestone with you!  Enjoy ... and try not to be too amazed at her brute strength!

Apologies in advance for my sing-song baby voice ... you may want to turn the sound off before viewing ...

As you can see in the second video she really isn't a fan of being on her back ... once we turned her back over she was happy as a clam.  She also passes a lot of gas ... more on that and her lack of pooping in another post ...


Megan said...

WOW! Give her another month or two and she'll be walking! Yay, Anna!

Danielle said...

Holy cow! Looks like you might have a future gymnast on your hands (:

Ah the gas...

Carrie Drake said...

Love! These are the best videos. I also really enjoy that you are using your sing song baby voice. I always feel so silly when I hear myself on the videos but it is well worth it!

Lisa said...

Holy cow! I better come visit before she can run away from me.