Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Letter to Anna: Month twenty-four

Dear Anna,

Today you turn two!  Wow.  Just wow!  Several people were surprised when I kept your letters up after the first year, and I wasn't sure how it would go, but I can’t imagine not writing to you each month.  Over the past year is when you've really blossomed into your own person and shown so much more of your wonderful personality.  You've developed a sense of adventure and curiosity that can’t be contained and have learned more than I ever imagined possible.  You’re a pure joy to be around, your family craves spending time with you, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what the next year has in store.  

You've become VERY independent this month.  Wanting to do so many things by yourself and you love to tell me, “no Mommy, I do.”  Walking down the stairs became a “thing” this month.  Not crawling backwards, walking like grown-ups walk.  That trend started when some friends came over to meet Charlotte and you saw their 4-year-old walk down holding the railing.  Because you worship anything an older child can do, and because you think you’re hot stuff, that was next on your list of things to accomplish.  And you did, very quickly!  You still test your limits and I still watch you take each step, but you’re physically learning more and more each day.  Related to your independence is your curiosity.  I hear “what’s that?” about 1,000 times a day and hear my answer repeated back immediately.  You’re mind is a steel trap that needs more information and you can’t wait to fill it with all you can learn about the world around you. 

You continue to love animals.  The cats are a given, but you've also learned to love outdoor animals as well and follow in my footsteps of loving most living things.  A week or so ago, you wanted to know where Milo was, so your Dad called for him and then whistled because that usually brings him running.  That started the way you call for the cats, which goes “Milo (or Daisy) who who.”  We die each time you do that and although I’m sure it will be equally as cute when you learn to whistle, I’ll always cherish the “who who.”  Since we've been spending more time outside, you've learned about a whole world of new creatures.  Roly polys, worms, ants and caterpillars to name a few.  You love to get right down to their level and follow them as closely as you can.  I think if you could figure out how to give them a hug, you would.  Last week when your Dad went to pick you up at school, your class was outside.  He saw that the entire class was huddled around you on the playground and realized quickly that you were studying a caterpillar when he saw your little hands cupped around it.  As soon as you saw your Dad you squealed with delight.  But then you started jumping.  One jump, two jumps, and the caterpillar was squashed.  You didn't even realize what you’d done as you ran for your Daddy, but the other kids did and comments included “why did she step on him like that?” and “why isn't it moving anymore?”  Considering you cried when your first roly poly friend literally rolled away, I know you didn't do it on purpose, but I fear there will be many an insect burial in our future. 

You’re favorite animated animals right now are Mickey Mouse and his Clubhouse friends.  You.love.Mickey.  That was the theme of your birthday party this past weekend and I had such a fun time showing you pieces of the decor throughout the week and hearing you exclaim “Mickey Mouse!!!”  Although I hate to sit you in front of the TV, you need downtime in your day and seeing you interact with the show and also learning does make me feel better.  And, speaking of learning, you’re picking up on so much, so quickly.  You can count to 10, know your colors, are working on your ABCs and your vocabulary is growing each day.  You’re starting to put two and three words together routinely and you can repeat most words back when spoken.  You love to sing and dance.  It wasn't but a few weeks ago that I was upstairs and heard the stereo turn on downstairs.  As soon we could boogy down there, we saw you and your Dad dancing away to one of his CDs, it was hilarious, and so much fun all at the same time.  Five years ago you couldn't have convinced me that I’d be shaking my groove thing to old-school Michael Jackson in the basement in the ‘burbs on a Friday night; but now there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing. 

Physically you’re growing as well and although I don’t have your “stats” just yet, I can tell by the fact that many an outfit are already too small that you've shot up and filled out quite a bit this past year.  You had your first official haircut last week and did great, and we’re also pulling it up into a pony tail to keep it out of your eyes most days.  You fuss a bit when it’s time to “do you hair” after brushing your teeth each morning, but then beam with pride when you see your that little piece of spunk on top of your head. 

I have absolutely loved spending extra time with you while on maternity leave and I love seeing you interact with Charlotte.  You really love your sister and are always ready to make sure she has her pacifier, is covered with a blankie, or has a toy close by.  You’re equally as sweet, caring, and gentle with your stuffed animals and baby dolls and it’s nothing short of adorable to watch you Mother to them as you rock them, feed them, burp them, and then put them to bed, making sure to get the blanket situated “just right.”  

I saw a video related to Mother’s Day this past weekend that showed what life with a Mother is like through a child’s eyes and notes that we want to be just like you; we wake up when you wake up, we play when you play, we hurt when you hurt.  As the video finished, I was in tears because in a roundabout way I DO want to be just like you.  No, I don’t necessarily want to be up before the sun and no, I don’t look forward to doing homework all over again in a few years.  But, I do want to have your enthusiasm for life, I want to literally take the time to smell the flowers, I want to be gentle and sweet with all living things, I want a sense of adventure that’s never satisfied, I want to be known as the best-hug-giver around, I want to light up a room when I enter, I want to ask questions with a genuine interest, but most of all, I want to love like there’s no tomorrow.  You make every day so special; you make the people you come into contact with feel special and loved just by being yourself.  These are character traits that can’t be taught and I’m so proud to be the Mother to someone as special as you each day.  Thank you for showing me what’s really important in this life every day, I’m a better person because of you and I’ll always be your number one fan, supporter, encourager, hugger, and, listener.  But most importantly, I’ll always be here for you as your Mother. 



Patricia said...

I always love reading your letters to Anna. She is such a special little girl and I love her so very much! You have such a wonderful way of painting a picture with words! Happy Birthday to Anna, my wonderful granddaughter who lights up my life daily!

Ms. Thomas said...

Happy Birthday Anna. Jen, these are a gift, and even though she may be furious about them when she's a teenager, they will be one of her most prized possessions when she gets past that.

(I'm still weepy from the Zach thing and now this note! Mack's gonna think I need antidepressants!)