Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Grandma and Pap Pap's Girls

Anna always has a ball when Grandma (aka MeeMa, but we're not sure if that will stick) and Pap Pap visit from Pittsburgh, and Charlotte is learning quickly that life turns into a party when they're in town. Both Mike and I had special bonds with our grandparents as we grew-up, and although neither side of the family lives in the same town, I'm SO glad that we're able to cultivate the same relationships with regular trips and lots of fun during visits.

Someone was SOOOOOOO excited to see Grandma!

This little one was pretty happy too!

Anna was too cool for school when we were trying to take a group shot ...

Our people talked to her people and she was able to pose for one picture ... reluctantly

Then it was time for a bicycle ride around the block, or 12

And, of course reading!

Grandma and Pap Pap are the best readers ... and the best Grandparents!


Carol Mc said...

I love the look on Anna's face in the first picture with MeeMa. What a doll baby.

Ms. Thomas said...

She is SO EXCITED! You can practically hear a little squeal.