You’re a year and a half old, how did that happen?!?! I am amazed each day by how much you are learning and growing and am so proud of the little girl you are growing into.
I could say this over and over, and I probably do, but you’re so smart and have such a sense of humor and personality. You’re vocabulary is growing quickly and you literally come home with new words almost each day. You love books with letters and related pictures because you can somewhat say most of the words and “read along.” Your favorite ABC word is “apple” and you still love to call everything that’s a circle a “bubble.” You’re also really good at scolding the cats with that finger shake and “bad” or “bad cats” line, it’s adorable. Perhaps the most welcome addition to your vocabulary this month has been calling your Dad and me by “Mommy” and “Daddy.” It melts my heart every time I hear you say either of those words. I went away this past weekend and I can’t begin to tell you what a joy it was to hear you say “Hi Mommy!” over the phone when Dad put you on speaker. You love to tell us “Bye Bye Mommy (or Daddy)” when we drop you off at school. And, I can’t forget to mention that every time we walk by the photo display in the hallway with our many family pictures, you *have* to stop to point out “Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Anna.”
Speaking of being away, you and Dad spent a weekend together while I went out of town with my girlfriends. Although we talked about our kids most of the weekend and compared tricks and tips, it was nice have a change of scenery and you and your Father had a great time. You went to the zoo, out to dinner and the park together; you played games, read books, colored pictures, and generally wore each other out. I’m not sure who was more tired when I got home, but it sure was great to see you both. You and your Dad have a special bond and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s the rough-and-tumble parent and just when I think he’s gone too far with a game of a chase, you giggle with ultimate joy and I realize that you’re a much tougher cookie that I give you credit for. I can’t wait to see your relationship continue to blossom!
You LOVE to read. You would be happier with nothing more than a stack of 20 books and a parent to turn the pages most evenings after school, so that’s what we do. You are at a point where you will sit and pay attention and not try to grab the pages to prove your independence, which means we can read books with “real” pages and aren’t stuck in the land of board books. Your favorite books are ones where you can provide sound effects or say some of the words. You also love to color, but it’s not a completely independent exercise yet as you’ve been known to snack on a crayon or two. It does buy me a few minutes if I’m making a meal or cleaning up a mess and I can’t wait to display the many works of art you will create over the years ahead.
You also enjoy independent play and reading. At times you’ll sit and read to yourself or play with toys and stuffed animals, and you impress me every day when I look over and see what you’re doing by yourself. The other day you grabbed a stuffed bunny and started making him “hop” around the room, complete with the words “hop, hop, hop” at the right times. You remember what we show you when we play together and I swear you have an elephant’s memory. It’s been at least 6 weeks and you STILL remember where that bubble was on your hand when Grandma was visiting; you even point it out to her when you Skype.
You’re literally growing each day, but are still long and lean. I don’t need your 18-month appointment that’s scheduled for next week to confirm, I’ve got a drawer full of button-waist-pants that slide off, but are on the verge of being too short, to confirm. This means you live in comfy, cotton, elastic waist pants, which isn’t a horrible alternative. Your shoe preferences have started early in that you have a pair of “sparkle” shoes I found on sale a while back that you insist on wearing around the house in the evenings and occasionally to school. And then there was the Saturday that I came home with a pair of snow boots I found at a consignment sale that you wore around the house all day. You’re also a huge fan of your hat and mittens, which is a relief given that it’s getting chilly in the mornings.
Although you still approach new situations and children with caution, you’re a social butterfly. We met two other families at a Fall Festival last month and then hosted dinner for everyone back at our house. You loved playing with the other kids in the hay maze and really took a liking to the oldest of the children who is five. Back at our house, you loved sharing your toys and thought the other kids were hilarious. With your personality I know that it’s only a matter of time before you have too many friends to count. You move to a new room at school next week and I know I’ll be sentimental and hesitant to make the change, but I know you’ll be more challenged and will do wonderfully with new teachers and friends. I see how much you’re learning and growing each day and worry sometimes that we’re not doing enough at home to stimulate you, but then I see how much you absorb just being around us and I figure we’re doing OK.
My favorite part of this month as been hearing you call me Mommy so many times. I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve called my Mom for guidance, support, to cry, or to just hear her voice. Nothing replaces your Mom. Ever. I know that down the road you won’t always be calling my name to talk or to tell me how amazing I am, or to ask for advice, sometimes you’ll be upset at a decision I’ve made about your life or how un-cool I’m being, and that’s part of being a good parent and doing what’s right for your children. But, I hope you know that no matter what, you’re never too old to call your Mom, I’m never too busy to listen, and you’ll always be my little girl who not so many years ago melted my heart with one simple 5-letter word.
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