Friday, August 13, 2010

Soundtracks: Live At The Troubadour

Mike and I have really come to love CBS Sunday Morning. It's just the perfect way to start a Sunday; with a big ol' cup 'o' coffee, the paper and a few cuddly kittens. Some time ago they featured a review and story on a newly released CD from James Taylor and Carole King, Live at the Troubadour. I put it on my mental list to check out, but well, my mental list isn't quite as sharp as it used to be, so it was lost almost immediately.

Fast forward to this past weekend when I caught a portion of the concert broadcast on PBS and then saw the CD/DVD on sale at Target the next afternoon. It was fate. I have since not listened to anything else in my car and have reverted back to a 13-year-old playing tracks on repeat. The entire CD is fantastic, the way they collaborate on certain tunes and let each other shine on others; it's hard to pick favorites, but if you held a gun to my head, I'd go with #8, Will You Love Me Tomorrow and #14, Up on the Roof.

Happy listening!


Anonymous said...

You are too cute. They were on the Today show the morning of the CD release playing some of their tunes.