Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mommy Moments: Childproofing

That moment when you realize you may have inadvertently locked yourself out of your own kitchen cabinets with the new "less conspicuous" cabinet locks.  (versus the easy ones with less aesthetic appeal)

That moment when you realize you have to plan your trips up and down the steps and can no longer carry 3 folded loads of laundry, because you need a free hand to open the gate(s). 

That moment when you realize that home-cooking and clean laundry are overrated and you should just enjoy the fact that you've childproofed yourself our of a couple of chores : )


Ms. Thomas said...

My friend Heather's house is so childproofed I can't figure the contraptions out sometimes so her son has to show me how to pry them open with a butter knife!