Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ceeeeelebrate good times!! (Come on!)

May is kind of a big deal around here ... it's action packed and full of celebrating, definitely my kind of month!  Here's a run-down:

May 12:  Anna's birthday party
May 13:  Mother's Day (my first!)
May 14:  Anna's first birthday
May 15:  My SIX year remission birthday
May 17:  Aunt Jennifer's birthday
May 19:  Uncle Michael and Aunt Jennifer get married!!
May 23:  Our three year wedding anniversary
May 28:  My 33rd birthday

Throw in a trip for Mom & Dad to Florida and ... *whew* ... it's an official whirlwind of a month, but for all the right reasons!  Bring on the parties and celebrations!!!

Come on!!  We've got a party to get to!


Danielle said...

You've got a few free days in there. Sounds like you need a few more children, relatives, and anniversaries! You've got a busy, but fun month ahead (: