Thursday, November 24, 2011

I yam so thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

I hope you are spending it relaxing with loved ones and enjoying a few extra days off work because that's what I'm doing.  I love that we have a day devoted to giving thanks, but I try to be thankful each day ... that said, I often find myself getting flustered with my "first world problems" ... like having a broken garage door or getting take-out only to have the food be a little cold.  At the end of the day, I have a car to walk to and food on my table and I'm blessed beyond belief in so many other ways.  And I pray that I always have the perspective to realize this. 

I YAM so thankful! 

I found this card at Target the other day, and although I've never send a Thanksgiving card before,
I couldn't pass it up.