Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Bump: 34 weeks ... less than 6 weeks to go!!

I had been trying to do a formal post related to the pregnancy every four weeks, but week 32 came and went and here we are, less 6 weeks away!!  It's crazy to hear myself say "eight months" when asked how far along I am ... and even more crazy when I see myself in the weekly photo we're taking.  I remember wanting to have a "real bump" (versus a blob) early on and now I've got that and sooooo much more. 

I am seeing my OB every two-weeks now and things couldn't be going better.  I'm measuring to the centimeter (bump-wise) and to the pound (weight-wise) at each visit, with all other stats normal.  A co-worker commented "that doesn't surprise me at all that you're doing it to the percent correctly" ... and, although I'm glad everything is on target, it's not really by any planning of my own ... for once in my life.  I've been trying to exercise when I can, mostly walks around the neighborhoods, well, more like waddling, and watching my sodium intake. 

No matter how hard I try I still have a bit of swelling from my knee down most days.  My OB says it's something you just can't help past a certain point and other than exercise, fluid intake and a low-sodium diet, it's just another joy of pregnancy.  The good news is, it will go away after the birth ... the better news is, I should deliver before it gets too hot and miserable.  (Mental Note:  Plan on a spring baby again next time, ha)  I had a reprieve from heartburn for a few weeks, but it's back with a vengeance now.  Mike and all of his brothers had a ton of hair, so I'm hopeful this baby will follow suit.  I'm also having a lot of trouble sleeping lately ... between getting up to use the restroom 4-6 times a night and just not being able to get comfy, I find myself tossing and turning for hours on end ... good practice, I suppose for the nights ahead. 

Speaking of my walks ... I have had a hard time finding reasonably priced maternity workout shirts.  I bought a Champion shirt at Target a few months ago, two sizes larger than I normally wear, but have since pretty much outgrown it ... last weekend I saw the same shirts were on sale and surprised even myself when I looked over at Mike and said "... sweet ... they have an XXL in the color I want."  I've endured the maternity clothing, but I won't say that I'm in love with them like some women I know.  Other than being sick of the rotation and starting to outgrow some of it, I'm just ready to have my regular clothing, with buttons and zippers and normal sizes, back.  That said, the grass is always greener, I may miss it when I'm having trouble fitting into my regular clothing ... : )

The last few weeks have been spent with final preparations ... we were showered with lovely gifts in Pittsburgh two weekends ago and can't wait to visit with family and friends this coming weekend in Lexington.  After we do a final inventory we'll be making final purchases in the weeks that follow.  Hello diaper sticker-shock : )

I went through my "checklist" this past week ...  I formally called our Leave Center (last day at work is May 13!!), ordered my breastpump (my firm pays for all but $100 of a Medela Freestyle), pre-registered at our Hospital, have our Pediatrician lined up and have Baby Kelly enrolled in daycare (tentatively starting the week of October 3).  I feel VERY fortunate that I have such a great leave plan at work ... I get two weeks prior to my due date, 12 weeks after and the ability to use all of my 22 days of vacation after that; so in grand total, I have 18 weeks of paid time off.  In addition, I can take unpaid leave as I desire and my boss is totally supportive of whatever decision I make; I really couldn't ask for more in that regard. 

OK, now for some bumpage shots ... if you're even still reading, ha.  I have had several people tell me that the pictures don't do me justice and I agree, I don't really think I look *that* big in person ... I guess most of my readers will be able to tell this weekend and the others will just have to take my word for it : )

Finally, a word on the gender ... I have really flip-flopped on this one ... I had several dreams early on that it was a boy and my Mom says I'm carrying like she did with my brother (she carried a lot lower with me ... but, I was 5 weeks early ...).  That said, I have a friend that only dreamed she was having a boy, but wound up with a girl, and, a lot of random folks have told me lately they think it's a girl.  Any thoughts from my six readers?  A week or two before I'm due I'll ask for comments predicting the gender and date of birth with a small prize attached for the winner, but I'm just curious for now.  Either way, I can't wait to hear the "It's a _____" announcement in just a few short weeks!!


Megan said...

I belive my last month of carrying Iris was just Jeremy's tshirts and sweats. After a certain point, you just don't care as long as it semi fits.
As for gender, I think you are having a girl. I kinda feel the how you carry is a bunch of hooey.
By the way, my first thought after seeing the pics is that your hair is so long! Ahh, pregnancy....

Anonymous said...

From your 7th reader: I think it's a boy. Of course, I always think it's a boy. I was right 3 times and wrong once. Good odds. You look wonderful.
Megan's Mom

Anonymous said...

Correction: I was inaccurate once, not wrong.

Danielle said...

Longest post ever. Seriously, I think I started reading this nearly 2 hours ago and I'm finally finished. It was worth it though (: First of all, you look adorable and Megan is right, look at your luscious locks!

I hated my maternity clothes at the end but after a month or so, I was tired of my regular clothes again too. We're women and we're fickle.

Can't wait to see you this weekend. I'm going to reserve my gender guess until after I see you in person.

Anonymous said...

I think you look great!

I'm with you, I'm really not enjoying maternity clothes so much right now and I've still got roughly 3 months to go!

Philip and I are both thinking it's a boy. I can't wait to see you this weekend!


Anonymous said...

You are just so darn cute! Wish I could see you in person this weekend!

Jen said...

You guys are the best!! I definitely don't feel like I look "great" most days ... : )

Regarding the hair comments, I know!! I am actually getting it cut today because it's too long and getting to be a pain to style, ha. Never thought I'd say that!

Lisa said...

You look beautiful! Yes I agree maternity clothes stink. I though. Nothing ever seemed to fit right or stay put. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

I feel like you are having a boy. But I am just about ALWAYS wrong, or inaccurate. So you must be having a girl.

Ms. Thomas said...

You are adorable. And even at 8 months pregnant you are more put together than me when I try my hardest. I think they make this last month unbearable with no sleep and all the time discomfort so that you're ready to go through the delivery. If you weren't feeling so done with being pregnant, the fear of giving birth may have room to creep in.

I have no idea what you're having. At first I thought girl, but then I started thinking boy, and since I was wrong about Shannon, I've lost my knack. I'll come up with something for the contest.

Just a few more weeks!!!