My friends and coworkers have totally spoiled me as we prepare to meet Baby Kelly and although we have pretty much everything we need for her arrival, it's still fun to celebrate our upcoming arrival of sugar and spice!
My Cincinnati coworkers surprised me with a surprise lunch sprinkle, complete with my favorite dessert (Opera Cream Torte from The Bon Bonerie), bottles of wine to enjoy in a few weeks, and a hilarious book for Mommies. |
My remote team sent us a delish cookie cake that the entire family enjoyed for several days. The girls minds were blown ... "it's a huge cookie with icing?!?!?" : )
And my sweet neighbors that I'm blessed to also call friends sprinkled me at dinner with another delicious cake from The Bon Bonerie.
And, yes, I'm still pregnant. As of this past Monday I'm 2cm dilated and "ready for labor" but haven't made any progress since last week. Other than being uncomfortable, no signs of labor; nary a cramp or contraction, so I have a feeling this is another stubborn little girl : ) I thought they may induce me this week, but no dice. So we wait, I see the doctor again next Tuesday, and we have an induction scheduled for Friday, August 26 (my due date) with the doctor that delivered the girls.
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