Friday, April 25, 2014

Do not adjust your screen

Nope, you're not seeing things and you didn't miss any posts, I played a little catch up this week and because I have mild OCD I like to post the girls' letters on their actual birth date ... my two loyal readers (I think I've lost a few) know that I'm perpetually several days late these days ... oh well.  Better late than never, eh?  At any rate, I hope you enjoy the pictures and quick glimpses into our lives.  I'd love to know you were here by reading your comments, but lurking from afar is fine too : )


Anonymous said...

Still a loyal reader! The girls are so sweet!!!!

Ms. Thomas said...

I visit you guys here all the time. Not nearly as good as in person but waaayyyy better than Facebook. Thanks for keeping up the posting. I love seeing the girls grow up. And I love knowing what's going on in your life. Xo.