Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Daddy and his girls ... maybe

In honor of Daddy's birthday (the big 3-5! - he's halfway to 40, Amber), here are a few pictures of Mike and his ladies.  The camera kept rolling after Charlotte's 7-month photo shoot and it was all smiles until Miss Dramatic was asked to participate.  Such is life with a two-year old.  I think this was a preview of what our Holiday pictures on Ho Ho's lap will resemble (click here to see last year's pictures) ... 


Anonymous said...

I hate the terrible two's. And from my experience, little girls definitely tend to continue on into the terrible three's. Thank goodness for Chardonnay!

Ms. Thomas said...

Halfway to 40... It's a pretty awesome club (although I thought I'd have a better fix on how to run my life by this time). Happy Birthday, Mike!

Those girls are gonna be 35 before I can blink, aren't they?