Monday, February 4, 2013

Baby bump: 35/35

Today marks the start of my 35th week of pregnancy and I'm copying from a friend's post who noted that at 35 weeks you're a mere 35 days from your due date.  It's crazy how fast time is flying!  We're feeling pretty good about being prepared; we're washing newborn clothing, thinking about packing bags and have our back-ups identified in the event that I go into labor in the middle of the night.  I have less than three weeks of work left, but have almost everything transitioned in case I go early (I know this shocks my readers).  And, for now we're trying to enjoy the last few weeks as a family of three, while mentally preparing for life as a family of four.

How Far Along: 35 weeks

Size of Baby: Approximately 5 ½ pounds, weighing as much as a honeydew melon, and approximately 18-20 inches long, at this point the baby won't grow much longer, but will keep packing on the pounds.  

Movement: This little girl is still head down, butt to the left, feet to the right, just like her sister was toward the end; I constantly have a foot lodged in one of my right ribs, feel punches around my belly button and I think she's using my bladder as a punching bag.  Still more of an afternoon and evening mover and shaker, preferring to sleep-in.  

Sleep:  I'm tired!  I go to bed early, but tend to wake up from midnight to 2am and have some quality time on the couch with my DVR or the iPad.  I'm thankful to have a husband that lets me relax in the evenings and on the weekends, I've even taken a couple of naps over the past few weeks.  

Cravings:  Ice cream in the evenings to replace a glass of wine or beer that my husband is enjoying : )  And, I'm currently doing a "tour of lunches" with my co-worker who loves food as much I do, we've got several places to squeeze in over the next 2 1/2 weeks.  

Symptoms:   Here's what I miss from life before/after pregnancy:  being able to walk up a flight of stairs without being winded, not having to pre-treat every single shirt because I can't get close enough to the table not to spill, and not feeling like I'm carrying a sack of potatoes in a Baby Bjorn when I get up from sitting for any length of time.  

Best Moment This Week:  Pulling out the bin of newborn clothing to wash and remembering just how tiny a new baby is ... it brought back a flood of memories and emotions from those first few weeks with Anna.  I can't wait to do it all over again, as crazy as it may be, as tired as I know I'll be, and as overwhelmed as I may initially feel.