Saturday, February 25, 2012

Growin' Like a Weed: Month Nine

I keep saying how close we are to crawling, and one day Anna will make an honest woman out of me, but until then, we have a lot of scooting, a lot of push-ups, and two bottom teeth.  That said, I'll take an adorable, laid-back and happy baby that's a great sleeper over a fuss-bucket early crawler any day : )  We had a great nine-month check-up and Miss Anna is meeting all of her milestones; you'll notice that she dived into double digits in her weight percentile and is still a string bean in length, and, of course, 110% perfect!

Nine Month Stats:
-- 16lbs, 4oz (15-20th %), and a 3lb, 1oz gain over 3 months
-- 27 1/2 inches (50th %) and a 1 1/4 inch growth over 3months

Nine Months!!

The blooper reel ... enjoy that flexibility while you've got it!

Months 3, 6 and 9 ... I still can't get over how she changes so quickly!


Carrie Drake said...

adorable! I think this is my favorite monthly photo of Miss Anna yet!

Ms. Thomas said...

This is my favorite time of babies. The fat, floppy time. I could just eat it up.