Saturday, December 1, 2012

Splish Splash (part 2 in a series)

If I could get her to hold still for long enough, I'd be able to check to see if this little girl has fins ... her love affair with baths continues.  On nights when one of us is home alone at bath time, it's a serious struggle to get the water started while keeping this little fish from literally diving in fully clothed.  We've gotten to the point that we have to spell that word until the minute we're physically ready to go upstairs to start the process, otherwise Anna's dreams are crushed.  We get her undressed in our room and let her run into the bathroom by herself, and as you can see it's pure joy ... if you listen closely, you can hear her yelling "baff/ batchf" as she nears the tub : )

Daddy is the best at baths (especially these days) and Anna loves it when he squirts her with water toys : )!

Time to rinse!


Carol Mc said...

Save for her first date!

Ms. Thomas said...

I'm going to play that video of her running to the bath on a loop anytime I feel depressed. ADORABLE.