Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mom Lives!

Because I'm home with Anna all day it seems like I'm her personal photographer and then in the evenings I hate to take time away from Mike ... so, it's rare that I see myself when I upload any pictures.  Mike took matters into his own hands the other night and captured a few shots that prove I'm actually spending time with my daughter : )  Please disregard the double chin ... the only downside to fun time on the couch : )

She is getting soooooo good at holding her head up ... pretty much Superwoman!
My sweetie pie!


Danielle said...

Ah yes, I'm pretty used to it now. The one good thing is I don't have to critique myself in the pictures! These are super precious shots though, especially the 2nd one!

Saralyn said...

Love them!! Anna is such a cutie and you look fantastic!!! You need to get a good camera with a timer.

Lisa said...

Very cute! David always complains how I'm not in any photos too.

Liz said...

I heart these pictures. I don't think there's one of Elly and I in existence:) BTW if you are worriedbabout your chin, you should see my double tummy and thighs.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, my double chin won't go away with labor? Darn it!


P.S. These pictures are great! Mike might need to do this more often!