Thursday, March 6, 2014

Letter to Charlotte: Month Twelve

Dear Charlotte,

Wow, where did a year go?  It seems like just yesterday we were (finally) welcoming you to our world.  I remember those first few hours, staring down at your little face, your little hands, your little toes, feeling you pee on me (twice!), and looking at your fair skin and strawberry blonde hair.  I was certain that all of my children would have your father’s dominant dark hair and eyes and was amazed when you were placed on my chest for the first time.  It was love at first sight and my heart has grown to exponential proportions over the past twelve months. 

You turn one year old today and to celebrate I've taken the day off work and you’re staying home, just Mommy and Charlotte and all of your favorite things:  snuggles, playing, a trip to get your first pair of walking shoes, lunch out, and napping.  I love spending time with you one on one and watching the wonder in your eyes, the excitement as you find a new toy, or an old toy you haven’t played with in a while, it’s adorable to see your speed-crawl over to the cats and start up a conversation or to watch you proudly point at something you've done.  It will always be a miracle to me how babies go from tiny immobile babies to fast-paced toddlers in just a year, but you’ve done just that, and all the while with a huge grin on your face. 

You’re one of the sweetest little girls I know and truly look at the world as your adventure zone.  You are crawling everywhere, and getting there fast!  You’re pulling up and can coast along the couch or the coffee table, but aren’t walking on your own just yet.  When your sister reprieves, you love walking behind your “dino” and can really move behind your trusty green friend.  Your sister didn’t walk until around 14 months and I’m thinking you’ll follow suit, which is fine by me because I’m not sure what our world will be like with two totally mobile kids in the house.  You love to wave, can tell us “all done” in sign language, love to raise your arms high above your head when we ask “how big is Charlotte??,” and you try to imitate just about anything we do.

You’re an excellent eater and I’m cherishing this time when foods are new and exciting versus your sister who is currently on a strict mac n cheese and PBJ diet.  We’re pretty much at the point where you are eating three meals a day and snacks with no purees and you’ve started working on using a sippy cup at school this past week.  You’re doing pretty well and we’ll work on weaning to whole milk and constant sippy cup use over time.  I’ve nursed you morning and night and have made it to my goal of a year, sure we had some bumps in the road, and I didn’t always have the strongest supply, but I took solace in knowing that you looked to me first as your source of food and comfort.  I haven’t slept away from you since you were born and have nursed you all but one morning during your first year of life; I can count on a couple of hands how many times someone else has put you to bed, and I must admit that I’m going to miss that special time together.  It’s not to say that we won’t still get to cuddle, or that I won’t still rock you to sleep, it will just be different, another new phase in both our lives.

Speaking of sleep, you’re still a rockstar, only waking up if you need something; unfortunately that happened quite often over the past two weeks.  A combination of new teeth and a yucky virus, and an ear infection had you down and out for a few days.  Luckily antibiotics (your first round ever) and rest got you back to your regular, happy self in a few days.  Generally you’re down for the night by 7:30pm and are a pretty sound sleeper.  We can count on hearing you talking to yourself or randomly crying out at least once a night and it’s not uncommon to hear you starting to chitter-chatter to your stuffed animal friends between 6:30 and 7am, but you rarely cry and are content to hang out in your crib until we come to get you.

You continue to be enamoured with your big sister and seek her out any chance you get.  Your adoration isn’t always returned immediately, but Anna loves you more than anything else in this world.  You’re in a hair pulling phase right now and tend to get a little hands-y if not restrained, but I’m hopeful this phase will work itself out in a bit.  You love playing with toys and puzzles and love, love, love to read books.  There are three touch-and-feel books that were Anna’s that you particularly love to “read.”  You’ll seek them out and will sit by yourself flipping the pages for quite a while.  With your new love of pulling up, you also love to spend time “cooking” at the kitchen playset.  Sometimes it’s less cooking and more pulling yourself up and down, but it’s adorable to watch.  

Size-wise you’re a little heavier and a little shorter (not by much on either) than Anna was around this time, but just as cute.  It’s been fun seeing you fit into some of your sister’s old outfits, but because of the every-so-slight difference in seasons we’ve had to buy you new jammies and several new outfits to last you through the end of winter (which may NEVER end, it seems).  No matter what you wear, you look adorable. 

I’ve talked to you about your sweet and gentle personality a lot this year, and it’s not because I don’t have anything else to say, it’s because that’s what I think of when I think of you.  My sweet, sweet Charlotte.  The little girl that gives the biggest grins, the best hugs, the cutest open-mouth kisses, and literally makes every day so much brighter for everyone she’s around.  You have an aura about you that just makes people smile and you delight in the smallest things in life.  There’s a book and a saying all about not sweating the small stuff and there’s some merit to that mantra … but not in your world.  You truly delight in the small stuff and it brings a sunny perspective to each day.  Each tickle of your belly, Anna doing a silly dance, a game with Daddy, one of the cats coming over to play.  You have made my world so much more complete than I ever thought possible.  You will always be my baby, my little girl, I will always seek out your hugs, delight in your laughter and smile when I think of the memories of your crazy fun first year of life.  Please don’t ever forget that my shoulder is always yours to cry on, my ears are always open, and I’ll support you through whatever life throws at you; I know that one day you’re going to change the world – after all, you’ve already changed mine.
