... it's super duper Anna! We've had a lot of fun with a blanket that gives Anna super powers ... as soon as she gets home from school she asks for her "super duper blanket" and away she goes. That is, in between morphing into a mermaid for a few minutes at at time : )
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Don't just take my word for it! (a series)
And now it's Charlotte's turn! She's won the heart of her teachers in the infant room and has the same primary teacher Anna did at her age (we love Miss Patty!!). She's even made a few friends ... but, I recently got word that she's turned into a little bit of a hair-puller, hopefully it's a phase she grows out of soon. And, at least she's not the biter, seeing as how she went from two teeth to five in two weeks!!
Charlotte had a great first day!
Every time I set my eyes on her, memories of Anna came back! She is such a sweetheart!
Charlotte gave Miss Patty a belly laugh today! I was holding a colorfull ball over her head
to see and when I touched her belly with it and made a funny noise at the same
time, she laughed for us! So cute!
7/10/13: Charlotte enjoyed doing tummy time
in front of the mirror with her friend today!
They were all smiles at each other!
Your little Charlotte slept right through the fire drill today! She even had two friends put in her bed with
her and wheeled outside in the sun and didn’t wake up until we got back inside!
(AHHHMMAZING because she continues to take very short naps at daycare)
Charlotte got a glimpse of Miss Patty while doing tummy time in front of
the mirror and she was all smiles, but she couldn’t’ figure out how I was in
two places at the same time!
Charlotte had fun wearing stacking rings today! She was doing tummy time with her toys in
reach and she managed to put a ring on each arm! So cute!
7/30/13: I love how Charlotte’s face lights
up when she sees me coming to get her.
She’s so sweet!
8/6/13: Charlotte gave us a laugh
today! She was laying on her back when
she tried to roll to her stomach, got her right arm pinned under her, her tongue
out trying to lick the floor and kicking her legs all at the same time. She’s a multi-tasker!
Does Charlotte have a jumperoo at home?
Because today she was in the exersaucer and she was moving her feet with
much determination, like she was trying to bounce up and down. It was so cute!
If Charlotte’s dress is wet when you pick her up, it’s because she insisted
on sucking it all day! I would put a toy
in her hand so that she could chew on that instead, but nope, her dress must
have tasted better. I missed her a lot
last week! (Miss Patty was on vacation)
Charlotte was all about her toes today!
Whenever she was on her back, those little legs were up in the air and
she had a hold of those cute little piggies.
8/26/13: Charlotte was in a silly mood
today! A couple of times she would laugh
out loud (I don’t know why) but when I approached her to see what was so funny,
she just gave me her sweet smile. Love
Charlotte needs to know where I am at all times! She was lying on the floor and I was sitting
in the chair behind her, she turned herself all the way around so that she
could see Miss Patty. So sweet!
8/28/13: Charlotte discovered the spinning
circus tent on the exersaucer today! I’ve
never seen her spin it before, but today she got it spinning pretty fast and
was mesmerized.
9/20/13: No note … but I must have saved
this report because it was the first time Charlotte napped more than 30 minutes
at one time; she went 11:40am – 1:05pm!
10/8/13: I think Charlotte knows how to
give kisses! When we kiss her on the
cheek and pull away, she tries to kiss us back on the check. She is just so sweet!
10/10/13: Charlotte took her very first
buggy ride at school today! She sat up
like a big girl and looked around at all the pretty flowers and flashed
everyone her pretty smile!
10/14/13: It seems like Charlotte doesn’t
want to sit up for very long anymore because she immediately tries to lunge
forward and roll all over the place. She
up pretty far today like she’s thinking about crawling. It won’t be long now! (or so we thought … she
took about 2 more months, ha)
10/15/13: Charlotte loves going outside on
the playground, but she does not like going inside the treehouse, she made it
very clear to us!
I think Charlotte is trying to clap her hands! After her nap, she was sitting up and she started
feeling her belly, then she started to swing her hands like she was trying to
clap. So cute!
I looked in on Charlotte at naptime to see her throwing her pacifier and
putting her thumb in her mouth. So cute!
10/24/13: Charlotte was raising her heads
above her head all day today! It almost
looked like she was trying to clap her hands too. She was extra smiley today, too!
Charlotte had fun playing ball with Miss Patty today! I would roll it to her and she’d pick up and
try to taste it. Pretty funny!
Miss Patty can really get Charlotte laughing when she’s changing her
diaper. She kind of expects it, so she
gets all giddy while she lying there, just waiting for me to tickle her. (Which is good, because she gets changed A
LOT with that functioning digestive system she has)
Charlotte was giving everyone a Miss America wave today! She’s never done it before and she put her
little hand in the air and waved it around.
11/14/13: Charlotte was sitting at the table
watching her friend in the saucer bounce wildly, so she tried to bounce at the
table seat. It was so cute!
11/18/13: (mid-year report) The one word I
can use to describe Charlotte is “sweet.”
She is the most easy-going, gentle-natured little girl we’ve ever
met. She’s very smart and loves watching
people. She’s been trying to get on all
fours because she wants to crawl very badly, which will be coming very soon!
Charlotte loves the hair of one of her friends! Every time he gets near her, she runs her
fingers through it (she never pulls it) and she smiles when she does it, which
makes it even cuter!
Charlotte showed off her crawling skills today! She was so happy that she could go anywhere
she wanted to!
12/19/13: Charlotte and Miss patty had lots
and lots of cuddle time today! She didn’t
want to play of move too much, so she got lots of holding and hugs. Miss Patty didn’t mind that at all. What a sweetheart! (this was your first day
back at school after being out two days with your stomach bug)
1/2/13: Charlotte had lots of fun
today! I think she missed her friends
and teachers! I was trying to cheer-up
one of Charlotte’s friends and I stated saying “if you’re happy and you know
it, clap your hands” and your Charlotte joined in and started clapping her
hands right on que – it was SO cute!
Charlotte is starting to come out of her shell a bit! She was Miss socialable, interacting with her
friends and being a silly goose all day!
Charlotte loves Miss Patty’s shoestrings! Whenever I’m standing still or sitting still,
she’s right there trying to pull them off my shoes!
Charlotte wanted to make a lot of noise today! She found out that if she hits the front
doors on the changing tables it makes noise, so she spent most of the day
exploring that part of the room.
Notes from school
Monday, January 27, 2014
Don't just take my word for it! (a series)
As I looked through the big stack of daily reports that I've saved over the past seven months, I first thought that I'm borderline hoarder and may need to look into a program ... but then, as I started to read through the words that gave me a glimpse into the girls' time while we are away, I was SO happy that I've kept them. These are Anna's notes from the summer into early winter and you'll see the recurring theme around her love of song and all things singing related. She sang loud and proud in the Turtle classroom, figuratively and literally starting to find her voice. She's still a shy child, but will speak up and stand her ground when she needs to, and wins the heart of every single one of her teachers. I'm constantly stopped in the hall and told how sweet, kind and polite she is to everyone that interacts with her on any level. My heart beams with pride when I hear that we may just be doing something right as a parent. I'm also amazed at how far she's come verbally, not necessarily in her vocabulary (although that's grown), but her sentence structures are much more advanced than the 3-4 word descriptors she was using back in June.
6/25/13: Anna enjoyed gym time today as
we did our egg experiment. She clapped
and giggled over every egg dropped, whether it cracked or not.
Anna enjoyed dancing today. She would
march around to the music and then go the carpet and say “look we’re spinning!”
over and over again.
Anna loved pretending to make food and eat it while outside in the house
with her teacher and friends. She said “here
Miss Hanna, yummy food!”
Anna loved purses today. Any
small toy she found she would do her best to shove it into her overflowing
Anna had such a great day! She loved watching our homemade volcano erupt. When it was all done she said “the lava’s in
the ‘cano!!”
Anna was so funny outside during water day. She and Audrey would run through the sprinkler
to get to the house, just screaming and laughing, then hide from the water,
trying not to get wet – doing this over and over.
Anna might be a softball player the way she slides! Outside Anna loves running with friends and
then all of the sudden she will drop to the ground on purpose like a softball
slide to home plate!
Anna really enjoyed the magic show today. Her eyes lit up and she had a huge
smile. She clapped and tried to inch
closer. (A BIG for you given that she generally hates strangers, especially those
dressed up)
Anna is so cute when she wants a turn at something. She runs up yelling, “Anna’s turn, Anna’s
turn, please!” : )
7/23/13: Anna loves playing games with
her teachers. Like pretending she is “gone”
when she hides behind her teacher or under a blanket. She laughs to hard when you say “Where did
Anna go? I don’t see her!!”
Anna loved running with her friends today. She would tell them “Hey, let’s go run, run,
Anna enjoyed playing “follow me” with her teachers and friends. Anna liked it so much she had to be right in the
front by Miss Hannah doing all the moves.
When a friend got close, she said “no, ME!” (Anna LOVED Miss Hannah!)
Anna said “what’s that, what’s that?” every time she came across bugs
outside. Her eye lit up with excitement
and she was determined to get an answer from her teachers.
Anna was so cute as she put on a bandana and the lady bug outfit. She said “pretty” as she pointed to herself
and she liked it so much she had to keep it on for lunch, nap and outside
time. (She was wearing this on the playground
when I arrived to pick her up that day)
Anna loves singing our “jumping” song.
She will patiently wait until we call her name and then she stands up
and says “Anna’s turn!!!” So funny!
Anna loved exploring her pockets today.
Anna put flowers in her pockets, then would push her hands as far as she
could and started dancing and spinning.
So cute!
Anna was so cute at snack time today; she started singing “twinkle
twinkle” and then clapped for herself when she was done. (Sounds about right! We got a nightly performance from Anna during
this phase!)
8/14/13: Anna enjoys running
outside. She’d run up to a friend or
teacher and say “run run!” then take of chasing of being chased, and laughing
so hard. (Anna’s ALL TIME favorite game
of summer 2013)
8/15/13: Anna enjoyed the petting zoo
today! She made sure to pet as many farm
animals as she could!
Anna was a singing machine today!
¾ of the day she did nothing but sing with her teachers, with her
friends, and by herself. Twinkle twinkle
was the song sung the most : )
Anna was being so funny at naptime today. She thought it was the funniest thing to
close her eyes and pretend she was sleeping then all of the sudden, jump up
with wide eyes and say “boo!” (I love
how sweet they are – clearly this was a disruption, ha)
Anna loved being in the tree house outside and just singing “twinkle
twinkle” so loud with her friends.
During art, Anna got super excited when she heard the ABC song come on
the CD. She said “oh, ABCs!” and then
started singing loudly.
Anna was a little parrot today.
For most of the day she was right next to her teacher, trying to sneak
up on her, and then repeating everything Miss Hannah said.
Anna enjoyed exploring all the pictures on our all today. Every time we pointed to her picture, she
would yell “that’s Anna!” and clap.
(they sent home the cutest pictures of the kids in this class – I loved
seeing her day on film!)
10/2/13: Anna loved playing with the
babies today. She was patting two babies
at one time and said “Ahhhh, babies are sleeping. Help me pat Miss Hannah.”
10/3/13: Anna liked exploring the kitchen
center today. “Mac n cheese” is what she
made the most. “Yum yum, eat it!” she
kept telling Miss Hannah.
Anna was glad to see her friend Audrey today! As soon as Audrey walked in, Anna ran to her
and yelled “Audrey, you are back and not sick!”
Anna liked playing on the slide on the playground. When Anna got to the top, she’d yell “Audrey
come with me!” and they went down right next to each other.
Anna had a huge interest in a squished spider outside today. Anna kept telling all her friends to “come
look spider” as she kept stepping on it over and over.
Anna is a big fan of chasing her teacher around with a dinosaur! She cracks up as she funs after her teaching
saying “I get you!”
Anna liked taking the bells and shaking them with her friends and
singing jingle bells.
Anna liked exploring the Halloween spiders. She would take one and say “it’s going to get
you!” and then laugh.
Anna loved dancing with Audrey to Halloween music today. They were so cute, both dressed as Minnie
Anna was excited when she found a caterpillar outside today. She picked it right up, laughing, and then
went and showed it to all of her friends.
(Thank goodness you didn’t stand around stomping on this one!)
Anna loves to dance and it’s so cute to watch her bust a move. As soon as music comes on, Anna is the first
to dance and will yell “come on everyone, let’s dance!!”
Anna was all about doing things herself today. Every few minutes when her nose would start
to run, she’d say “I need a tissue. I do
it myself. Because I said so!” Very funny.
Anna enjoyed showing her friends how to do yoga on the mat today. “No, like this” or “Do this one” she would
tell her friends as they followed.
(Hilarious – a natural leader emerges!)
Anna did a GREAT job on the balance beam today with no help and used
both feet. Super job!! (She had been
working on this for a while and would get nervous if other children were around
you – we were very proud!)
Anna and her friend have cute imaginations! Anna and Audrey took turns laying on the bean
bag and patting each other to sleep.
Very sweet!
(end of class note) Anna has been a blast to have in the Turtle room and
she has grown so much since she moved over.
Anna has many words and she uses them all the time, which is great. She talks to her friends and her teachers
about everything, always asking “what are you doing?” or “why?” Anna loves to sing! Singing has to be one her favorite things to
do! Anna makes sure to sing loud and
proud, and it’s very cute. Anna is very
smart and will do even better as she moves on up.
Anna loved the little clementine pieces over the apple slices in science
today. It was a clear winner. She’s a great addition to our room,
welcome! (First day in the manatee
Anna loved giving high-5s to Santa when he visited today. (Apparently she circled him for quite a while
and then deemed him high-5 worthy, but went nowhere near sitting on his lap)
Anna was so pleased with herself when she figured out how to make shadow
puppets with the battery candles today.
Anna was a MESS after lunch! She
must have thoroughly enjoyed every bite – Yumm!! (Mac n cheese day … you better believe she enjoyed
Anna loved playing outside today.
She was so happy, she started singing “up on the housetop.”
Anna had some of the cutest sound effects today while playing with play
dough. (This was also your first day in
underwear all day!!)
Anna was very patient waiting for her popcorn treat! She didn’t want to come get it and waited for
Miss Lisa to bring it to her. (She loves Miss Lisa!! And, LOVED watching the Polar Express at
school this day – we heard about it all evening)
Anna loves to sing the words to “twinkle twinkle” – she’s a little musician!
Anna loved doing the silly finger play with Miss Liz! She was so wide-eyed and cute as we all
learned it in special enrichment.
1/16/14: Anna loved building with the
snap blocks on the carpet today. She gathered
up all the purple ones to use those first : )
Anna was a food stylist at lunch today.
She rearranged all of the applesauce on her plate to a different slot
very tediously. It was interesting to
observe : )
Notes from school
Friday, January 24, 2014
She works hard(est) for the money
We start 'em young around here ... already computing whatever babies need to be computing. Just like her sister ... click here and here. At least we have a flexible work arrangement and give them the option to work from home : )
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The calm
There's a certain calm in an oncology office. No one is upset or angry because they've had to wait, they aren't grumbling because it's too hot or too cold or because their needle stick hurt more than normal or because their labs are taking longer to run or because their favorite chair was taken.
If you're a patient in that office, you're just happy to be alive.
I still see my oncologist every 3-4 months for routine bloodwork and a physical examination. And, almost like clockwork, I start to question my health before these appointments. A bruise that I've seen lingering a little too long or an enlarged lymph node or just being overly tired. Self-research is dangerous and I've learned that Dr. Google is the worst form. There's very little that's been published on CLL in patients of my age, and even less on what happens when (not if) there's a relapse. I'm not cured, they don't know what caused my disease, and they don't know when it will return nor in what form.
Because my doctor is great at what she does, she's very busy and usually running behind, meaning that I spend quite a bit of time waiting in a quiet room on the days of my appointment. After the pleasantries are exchanged with the receptionists (they always remember me by name) and the medical assistants, I usually have some time to myself to reflect. I reflect on what I was doing this time eight years ago ... I'd just met Mike, was going through chemo and thinking about the future. I reflect on what a blessing the last eight years have been ... engaged, married, two beautiful daughters, a roof over our head and financially stable. Then my mind wanders into dark places ... when will the cancer return? How would it look if I was going through chemo? Who would help with the girls? What would I miss? Would they be able to get me to a state of remission again? Would I be alive at the end of the fight? The what-ifs usually start to overwhelm me just as my doctor makes her way to my room and then the calm sets in again. She reviews my labs, performs the physical exam and we talk about any of the random symptoms or concerns that I've noted since my last visit. We always end up talking about our children and catching up on random happenings in our lives like old friends.
Unless you've been there, I don't think you can understand exactly what it's like to have this constant fear in the back of your mind. And that's OK. Everyone has their own battles. I don't know what it's like to live with depression, or be be an armed forces veteran, or to live with a chronic condition that affects your everyday life, or to want children with a passion only to have reproductive problems; my specialty is an incurable cancer. What's important is that we all band together for each other in this crazy world ... a kind thought, an encouraging word, a prayer, a hug, showing empathy, or offering support. Everyone has a struggle and it's easy to judge, but it's a lot easier to support.
I pass the treatment room on my way out of the office and generally linger there for half a second before moving on. Everyone is hooked up to an IV, some don't have their hair, most look tired and some look weak; but they all have hope in their eyes and a smile on their face. I wish society were more like the patients at the oncologist's office: happy to be alive, hopeful, patient, and understanding ... and I feel lucky that I'm surrounded by people that share these same beliefs and lift me up on a daily basis.
My next appointment happens to fall on my EIGHT year remission birthday ... I think I'll celebrate by taking cupcakes to the treatment room and spreading a little cheer. And maybe, even if just for a minute, someone else's "what ifs" will disappear.
If you're a patient in that office, you're just happy to be alive.
I still see my oncologist every 3-4 months for routine bloodwork and a physical examination. And, almost like clockwork, I start to question my health before these appointments. A bruise that I've seen lingering a little too long or an enlarged lymph node or just being overly tired. Self-research is dangerous and I've learned that Dr. Google is the worst form. There's very little that's been published on CLL in patients of my age, and even less on what happens when (not if) there's a relapse. I'm not cured, they don't know what caused my disease, and they don't know when it will return nor in what form.
Because my doctor is great at what she does, she's very busy and usually running behind, meaning that I spend quite a bit of time waiting in a quiet room on the days of my appointment. After the pleasantries are exchanged with the receptionists (they always remember me by name) and the medical assistants, I usually have some time to myself to reflect. I reflect on what I was doing this time eight years ago ... I'd just met Mike, was going through chemo and thinking about the future. I reflect on what a blessing the last eight years have been ... engaged, married, two beautiful daughters, a roof over our head and financially stable. Then my mind wanders into dark places ... when will the cancer return? How would it look if I was going through chemo? Who would help with the girls? What would I miss? Would they be able to get me to a state of remission again? Would I be alive at the end of the fight? The what-ifs usually start to overwhelm me just as my doctor makes her way to my room and then the calm sets in again. She reviews my labs, performs the physical exam and we talk about any of the random symptoms or concerns that I've noted since my last visit. We always end up talking about our children and catching up on random happenings in our lives like old friends.
Unless you've been there, I don't think you can understand exactly what it's like to have this constant fear in the back of your mind. And that's OK. Everyone has their own battles. I don't know what it's like to live with depression, or be be an armed forces veteran, or to live with a chronic condition that affects your everyday life, or to want children with a passion only to have reproductive problems; my specialty is an incurable cancer. What's important is that we all band together for each other in this crazy world ... a kind thought, an encouraging word, a prayer, a hug, showing empathy, or offering support. Everyone has a struggle and it's easy to judge, but it's a lot easier to support.
I pass the treatment room on my way out of the office and generally linger there for half a second before moving on. Everyone is hooked up to an IV, some don't have their hair, most look tired and some look weak; but they all have hope in their eyes and a smile on their face. I wish society were more like the patients at the oncologist's office: happy to be alive, hopeful, patient, and understanding ... and I feel lucky that I'm surrounded by people that share these same beliefs and lift me up on a daily basis.
My next appointment happens to fall on my EIGHT year remission birthday ... I think I'll celebrate by taking cupcakes to the treatment room and spreading a little cheer. And maybe, even if just for a minute, someone else's "what ifs" will disappear.
Thankful Thursday,
The big C
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Sister love (a series)
Blankets and hugsssssssssssss! Doesn't get much better than that when you're a sister.
Charlotte agrees! And check out those pearly whites!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Snow much fun!
The first few snows we got were soft snows, not great for packing or snowman-making. No worries, though, we've had several since then and were able to build our own Frosty a few weeks ago. Thanks to our neighbor, Ms. Frosty had the perfect finishing touch and was the most festive member of the snowperson community in our neighborhood : ) You're not fully dressed without a sombrero, after all.
And, because Anna is Anna, when I pointed out that Frosty was melting a few days later, she pulled me aside and reassured me, "it's OK Mommy, we'll build another Frosty the next time it snows." At that point my heart was as melty as our snowman : )
And, because Anna is Anna, when I pointed out that Frosty was melting a few days later, she pulled me aside and reassured me, "it's OK Mommy, we'll build another Frosty the next time it snows." At that point my heart was as melty as our snowman : )
Daddy Time,
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Letter to Anna: Month thirty-two
Dear Anna,
What a month for our family, and especially you! You’ve grown by leaps and bounds and amaze me
each day; and, yes, I know I say this every month, but it’s always true.
This month we embarked on potty training and we’re just one day over
being two weeks into the process and you are doing phenomenally! You haven’t had an accident in 5 days and the
last few you had were tiny and you caught yourself immediately and let
someone know you needed to use the potty.
We started the day after returning from a few days in Pittsburgh to
celebrate Christmas and while I still had a few days off for the holidays. I’d purchased “supplies” a few months ago and
gave it a half-hearted try one Saturday in September, but quickly realized that
I needed to be more devoted, which is hard when you only have two full days
at home each week and those usually consist of endless errands, cleaning and
generally catching up on life. So, we
had what we needed and we went straight into underwear, set a timer and sat on the potty the every 30 minutes. You had three
accidents the first day, two the second day and none the third day. On the fourth day you went back to school and
we weren’t sure how you’d do, so we sent you in a Pull-up, but you only wore
undies at home and throughout the next weekend.
You had two small accidents at school that next week, and since then you’ve
been a potty master. You wear a Pull-up
at naptime and to bed (it’s dry about 75% of the time when you wake up) and
otherwise you’re all underwear all the time.
You went all out and wanted to use the big potty, not the potty chair I’d
purchased, and that was fine with me.
You were SO proud of yourself the first time you successfully went on
the potty, and I cried tears of joy. The
first few days were exhausting; I was home by myself while your Dad was at
work and the world literally stopped every half hour, or when you showed any sign of needing to go, or when you had an accident, but it was SO worth it. Your potty
reward was M&Ms, which were slowly forgotten about after the first week and
as using the bathroom became second nature.
I can’t reiterate enough how great you've done, even your teachers at school
were pleasantly surprised, and it makes me very proud as a parent to know that I've taught you a skill you will literally use all of your life.
At the same time we started potty training, we converted your crib into
a full size bed, all to go along with the “big girl” theme. You’d shown no signs of trying to climb out
of your crib or needing the transition, but we thought you were ready and it
was time. I was also getting tired of
lugging 30lbs of toddler over that crib railing each night and every morning. Just like all of the other transitions, you
did great and probably slept a little better and harder in your new bed. Your big girl bed is adorned with a flowery pink quilt, a bedskirt that resembles a tutu and girly sheets with patterns including butterflies or ladybugs.
Honestly, I’m a little jealous.
The bed sits fairly high and you have a double rail. Assembling that
thing about nearly caused your Dad and I to get divorced, but you haven’t
fallen out, so it was worth the effort. The
first time you saw your “big girl bed” you spent a good 30 minutes rolling
around on it and telling us how much you loved it. It made my heart happy! And then seeing how well you did with the
transition made me beam with pride.
Charlotte gave it her stamp of approval and I can’t wait for the day
that you have your first sister sleepover.
You had a wonderful Christmas season and it was amazing to see the
holiday through the eyes of a child. We
recorded and watched all of the traditional Christmas shows, talked about Santa
(or Ho Ho), went on Frosty the Snowman marches and hunts, baked cookies for
Santa, opened lots of presents, and generally enjoyed the season. Minus the two weeks we were all sick, but
thankfully everyone was healthy for Christmas and New Year. We talked about Baby Jesus, read his story,
and sang to him on Christmas day. It’s
amazing to see you retain and process information and I loved hearing you ask
me about the real reason of Christmas during the holidays.
You continue to be Miss dramatic and it’s so fun to watch your imagination
take over. You’re constantly thinking
of a new game to play and love to involve the entire family. You’re becoming quite the actress and can act
sad, start to cry, or squeal with joy on command. To the point that there have been times when
I’ve thought you were really having a hard time and about to cry, only to realize
that you were acting. You’re two! Boy, are your Dad and I are in for trouble! You recently learned how to bow at dance
class and will demand applause after any performance and immediately go into your bow saying “thank you, thank you." Outside of your
acting chops, you have a very silly sense of humor. You pick up on jokes and are constantly
making us laugh. The other day you
walked over to me with part of an orange peel on your upper lip and asked me if
I liked your mustache. If we go out to
eat and you’re given a lemon wedge (your favorite!), you will turn it into a
lemon smile, cracking up the entire table.
You’re very particular and like things a certain way at a certain
time. You’ll fixate on something, whether
it be a TV show, snack food, game, anything and we MUST do it that way. And if not, I’m pretty sure the astronauts in
space hear about it. You usually have a
snack when we all get home from our days and for a while you needed it to be fruit
snacks, a few chocolate bunny grahams and graham crackers. No more, no less. And a glass of milk, please. Except you usually didn’t ask that
nicely. It took a few weeks and likely a
day where our routine was out of whack, but you got over it and moved onto a
new set of demands. At bedtime you like
a certain number of hugs and kisses, have to be positioned “just so” in your
bed and with the right mix of stuffed animals.
I can’t imagine where you get it from …
You’re a girl in all definitions and have found your sensitive streak
early. You moved to a new class in
November and are doing great, but it’s a class with a lot of boys. A lot of very loud boys. And because you are a bit shy and timid, I
have a feeling you sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Your teachers told me a few weeks after you
moved in there that they have never had a child as sensitive as you and had to
quickly adapt the way they correct or encourage you. The upside is that you are one of the most
loveable children and that means lots of hugs for your teachers, for us, and
for almost anyone you feel comfortable with.
Our cleaning lady came over last weekend to pick up a coffee table we
were selling. You’ve met her once in
your life, but ran right up to her and gave her a big bear hug, it was
priceless and I know that she’ll be telling me about that for years. Before we leave school each day, we have to
do the rounds with your friends and your teachers, everyone getting hugs. And sometimes kisses. We’re working on “we only kiss friends on the
cheek,” but it’s adorable to see you spreading your love.
You’re changing so quickly and fiercely that I honestly can hardly
remember what you were like last month and I wish there was time for me to
write about all of the amazing things you do or say, but that would take
days. You simply amaze and astound me on
a daily basis. Some days it’s because
you love so hard, others it’s because of your brain, some days it’s because you
figured out how to push every single one of my buttons, but mostly it’s because
I see you growing into an amazing young woman.
It’s my job as your Mother to teach you how to find your way in this big
and crazy world, but you possess so many attributes at such a young age that
can’t be taught. You love so much, you
show compassion, you empathize, and you genuinely care about those around
you. Keep on learning, keep on growing, but
not too fast … there’s still a lot I need to teach you, and SO MANY hugs I need
to get in.
I was a tad late in getting Anna's letter up last month, and because I date my posts the actual date of the girls' birth (14th and 6th), you may have missed it as it was sandwiched between some other pre-planned posts already scheduled, click here if you'd like to read it.
Letters to Anna
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Growin' like a weed (again!): Month ten
Double digits!! A big milestone for a little girl ... and she decided to celebrate with a couple of teeth, mastering the art of crawling and generally getting into everything. And, I mean everything! The little miss had a teeny tiny cold this past month and we saw her pediatrician right around her 10-month birthday, she weighed in at 16lbs 13oz (5th - 10th%); the stomach virus from last month is to blame for a little weight loss and therefore not much gained in the past month, and I can't imagine her new form of cardio hurt. Good thing she didn't drop on the cute scale, still coming in at 110%!
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Double digits and getting cuter by the day!! |
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Sitting still for pictures is NO FUN when you have places to go and toys to put in your mouth! |
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They may not look much (or anything) alike, but they both have the same sunny personalities : ) |
Growin' Like a Weed
Monday, January 6, 2014
Letter to Charlotte: Month Ten
Dear Charlotte,
What a big ninth
month you had in so many regards! First
and foremost you started crawling and two teeth popped through! A collective “finally” was uttered by
everyone in our family as both of these events were long awaited and much anticipated. You’re one step closer to running in circles
around the house with your big sister and couldn’t be more proud of
yourself. I don’t know that it’s
possible to find a little girl with a sweeter or happier personality; you
genuinely brighten all of our days with your sweet smiles, giggles, hugs complete
with hair pulls (ok, we could do without the hair pulls) and open-mouth
Crawling … finally! You had the moves, but didn’t put them
together until one weekend when half the family was under the weather. One sunny and cold Sunday when your sister
was dealing with strep throat and your Dad and your sister both had hand foot
and mouth disease, you put it all together and started strolling through the
house on all fours. Although we cheered
like crazy people, you weren’t sure what all the fuss was about, seeing as how
you’d been able to get from point A to point B with wiggles, rolling and
scooting. Fast forward a few weeks and
you’re all over the place … chasing the cats, following me from the family room
to the kitchen, attempting to run with Daddy and Anna in their evening game of “running
and chasing,” and always always trying to sneak into the laundry room. You’re starting to get up on those knees and
love the vantage point when we prop you into a standing position … we’re not
rushing things, but it’s only a matter of time before those feet start a-movin’!
And, teeth …
finally! And you went all out, sprouting
two this past month. For several week we’d
been on “tooth watch” and would stick our (clean) fingers in your little mouth
morning and night, just waiting for it to catch on one of those pearly white
buds, but nothing. Then all of the
sudden you had two! We’ve expanded your palette
to include a variety of soft finger foods and you are a lover of all. You are seriously an infant garbage disposal
and I have NO IDEA how you are still in the 5-10th percentile for
weight. Your rarely, and I mean, VERY
rarely will turn down food. You will
almost gulp down your serving of purees at a meal and then still eat every bit
of finger food put in front of you. As
long as it’s soft enough, and not too spicy, you’ve taken bites of most of what
we eat, but still do best with soft breads, fruits and veggies. You love almost all purees (not too hot on
proteins or carrots on their own), yogurt, smoothies, and oatmeal and I’m still
making most of your purees. On the flip
side, you are the most digestively sound child I have ever met. You are still making SEVERAL #2s each day
with no sign of slowing down. You’re very
versatile and love a surprise; sometimes we smell them, sometimes they sneak up
on us, but the diaper industry can count on you to keep their companies going
Assuming you
read these letters when you’re older … now that you’ve come back from creating
a voo doo doll in my image for writing about your bowel movements on the internet,
I’ll go ahead and tell you about the time that you had stomach virus and
projectile vomited on me for about eight hours straight. That’s what I like the call the week from
H-E-double-hockey-sticks when we two people were sick in our house each day for
eight days. Through it all, you were
such a trooper and were SO sweet. You’d go
from dry-heaving to laying your sweet little head on my shoulder with hardly a
wimper and never a cry. The next morning
as we all went on three hours of sleep you smiled and coo’ed and grabbed my
fingers and squeezed tight as we napped together throughout the day.
You've started
laughing A LOT this month and an outsider would think the rest of us are a
bunch of trained monkeys if they were to look into our lives; once we figure
out that something makes you laugh, it’s a repeat situation for a good 10
minutes. Most often it’s something Anna has
done that gets you cackling and nothing is sweeter. You’ve found your voice and are starting to
find your non-verbal voice in the form of literally taking what you want. Unfortunately you have a slight obsession
with hair. You love to grab your own
while nursing, often grab mine too, and have started to immediately go after
Anna’s these days. Your teachers let us
know via your daily note a few weeks ago that you are mildly obsessed with the
hair of a boy in your class, but were gentle and never pulled … until this past
week, and now you are known as “the hair puller” in your class. Luckily your teachers chalk it up to “being a
baby” and the good news is that you’ll likely have a new obsession next
You had a great
time over the holidays and were blessed with many generous gifts, but of course
you loved the boxes, wrapping and tissue paper the best. Seeing the holidays through the eyes of a child
will never get old! Anna shared all she
knew about Christmas with you, including Frosty and Rudolph, Baby Jesus and Ho
Ho and even shared in your enthusiasm for presents by testing out many of yours
for you. Sure, I’d love to sleep in a
little later most days (especially on the weekends), it would be wonderful to
make one dinner that everyone in the family could eat and enjoy, and I’ve love
to say goodbye to diapers for good …. but not at the expense of losing the
opportunity to see your take on the world and all of the new experiences that
lie ahead. Whether it’s your first dance
recital, your first roller coaster ride, or your first sleep over, I don’t want
a miss a minute and hope I always have a front row seat … even if it’s the
messiest spot.
Letters to Charlotte
Friday, January 3, 2014
Snow Dayzzz
It was the first of what has already been many snow days this winter, and it looks like we're in for several more ... Anna had a blast "helping" Daddy shovel (for a few minutes anyway), loved tasting the snow and falling on her own accord followed by dying with laughter : )
An attempted snowman that turned into a snow mound, the most recent snowfall looks like it'll be perfect for making our own Frosty!
... Charlotte helped me hold down the fort inside with warmer temperatures ...
Maybe next year, little girl! |
Daddy Time,
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Out with a bang
2013 went out with a bang for the Kelly family ... we were constantly sick for two months and saw the pediatrician nine times (including flu shots and a well-check) ... hand foot and mouth disease, strep throat, and a stomach virus had everyone in our house down and out for over a week, and then the teething monster reared his ugly head. But we all finally got healthy for Christmas and the New Year, just in time to make a few resolutions ...
- get more teeth
- turn ONE and smash a (cup)cake
- learn to walk
- turn THREE
- potty training (in process and doing GREAT!)
- hug more
- celebrate five years in Florida
- hit the beach as a family
- ride a (kiddie) "roller coaster"
- laugh often
- run a 5K and a 10K
- love the most we've ever loved.
- get more teeth
- turn ONE and smash a (cup)cake
- learn to walk
- turn THREE
- potty training (in process and doing GREAT!)
- hug more
- celebrate five years in Florida
- hit the beach as a family
- ride a (kiddie) "roller coaster"
- laugh often
- run a 5K and a 10K
- love the most we've ever loved.
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